Adult Ministries

  • Sunday Morning Groups

    We have seveal groups that meet on Sunday morning to study scriptures and to be inovlved in discipleship. You are welcome to attend one of these groups after grabbing coffee and breakfast in the Fellowship Hall.

    Current groups:

    Young at Heart

    Fellowship Class

  • Small Groups/Bible Studies

    There are a number of opportunites to study the bible through out the week. These studies cover a range of topics and range in depth/length. Most studies are from 10 to 12 weeks. Come and join us as we study the scriptures together.

  • Men's Ministry

    There are many opportunities for men to gather and encourage one another in their journey of faith through monthly breakfast on the third Tuesday morning (7:00 am) in the Wesley Center. There are also opportunities to serve those in need in Woodville and Tyler County through building wheelchair ramps.

  • Women's Ministry

    The women of Woodville Methodist Church meet on a regular basis to enjoy time together through a monthly lunch at various places on the third Tuesday at Noon. They are also involved in assisting with many ministries in Woodville and Tyler County.